Keeping a Clean Home with Pets and Kids

 Keeping a Clean Home with Pets and Kids4 min read

Keeping a clean home with both pets and children can often feel like an impossible task. Between fur, paw prints, toys everywhere, dirty hands, and faces, staying on top of daily messes and cleaning is a constant battle. However, with some planning and using the right cleaning techniques, it is very possible to have a tidy home, even with pets and kids. Here are some top tips for maintaining sanitary living conditions while still allowing your furry and little loved ones to enjoy your space:

Schedule Cleaning Times

Block out specific times each day or on certain days of the week to focus just on cleaning. For example, tidy up after breakfast to clean up any crumbs or spills. Another thing that could work is designating 30 minutes after the kids\’ bedtime for deeper cleaning of surfaces and floors. Having a schedule helps cleaning become a routine rather than an overwhelming chore.

Set Cleaning Rules for Kids

Teach children cleaning age-appropriate responsibilities, such as putting toys away before bed or clearing their dishes after meals. Use a reward system to motivate them. Clear rules about not eating or drinking in certain rooms can help contain messes. Consider a play area like a playroom where toys and snacks are allowed to keep other rooms cleaner.

Provide Pet Supplies

Keep pets well-groomed to cut down on fur everywhere. Brush long-haired breeds regularly. Place puppy pads or litters in easy-to-access areas and ensure pets know to use them. Keep bowls, leashes, and toys out of high-traffic areas. Dedicate bins or baskets for pet toys and supplies to corral items. Wash feeding bowls daily.

Multi-task with Cleaning

Put kids to work folding laundry, wiping counters, or sweeping while you do other chores. This makes cleaning a family activity. Play some upbeat music to keep energy levels high. Or have supervised \”helping time\” where children can do things like emptying the dishwasher with you.

Simplify Surfaces

Opt for easy-to-clean fabrics, wood or tile floors over carpeting. Choose furniture, curtains, and tablecloths that can be machine-washed. Consider replacing fabrics or soft furnishings that collect fur or stains easily. Clutter-free horizontal surfaces allow for quick dusting.

Target Tough Spots

Deep clean, especially dirty areas more frequently like highchairs, play areas, pet beds, and entryways. Scrub bathroom sinks, counters, and tubs weekly. Vacuum carpets and sweep floors daily. Spot clean any messes or spills as they occur to prevent build-up.

Mealtime Maintenance

Have paper towels or cloths to wipe faces and fingers while feeding your kids. Use plastic, enamel, or stainless steel over surfaces like wood that can absorb stains. Open the window or run the vent over the stove while cooking to reduce odors. Sweep up immediately after family meals.

Outdoor Time

Designate an outdoor space for messy activities like art projects, mud play, or pet water bowls to avoid tracking inside. Hose off paws or feet before coming in from outside. Keep children\’s shoes at the entry and swap for inside slippers to reduce dirt and debris inside.

Organize for Efficiency

Use labeled bins, baskets, shelves, and cabinets to corral similar cleaning supplies together. Place the most frequently used items within easy reach. A wagon, cart, or basket allows you to gather multiple cleaning tools in one spot for convenience. Designating an out-of-sight area like a garage or pantry for less used supplies prevents clutter.

Stay Motivated

Play some upbeat music while cleaning to lift your mood. Light a soothing candle to create a relaxing atmosphere. Pour yourself a nice cup of tea or coffee as a reward for finishing tasks. Focusing on your home\’s clean, organized results and peaceful state can help you power through. Outsource chores when possible by hiring help or calling on family and friends for an extra pair of hands.

Call in the Pros

Professional cleaners like AmeriStar Maids are a lifesaver for deeper seasonal cleans or when you need a break. Their experienced staff are experts at removing spots, stains, and odors from pets and kids. With reliable, trustworthy technicians, AmeriStar Maids prides itself on settling for nothing less than a worry-free clean every time. You can contact them at (570) 310-1057 or to get a free estimate. Their friendly staff is ready to help you maintain the cleanliness and sanity of your family home, no matter how chaotic life gets. Professional cleaning is an investment in your well-being and all the quality time you want with loved ones.


With the right tools, strategies, and routines, cleaning is doable even amidst the beautiful chaos of family life with fur babies and children. Remember to celebrate your small victories and accept that some days messes may pile up faster than you can wipe them away. Be kind to yourself and focus on the quality of time spent with loved ones rather than a spotless home. Happiness matters most!

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